Event Info
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The public pick up and drop off point is situated at the main public car park. Please follow the road signs if you are being dropped off in a taxi, minibus, by friends or family.We have 2 shuttle buses available for those with disability to use if you are unable to walk the 900 metres from the car park to the site entrance.
2024 site map is available to view hereSEARCHES
All tickets holders will be subject to extra searches of their vehicles, bags and their person at this year’s festival. Please be patient if there are longer queues than normal, and please cooperate with any security requests and searches. Our resident sniffer dogs will be on site again this year.There will be plenty of trained security staff around the festival site if you have any queries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to speak to them.
We strongly advise you do not bring a bag into the Arena at BLOODSTOCK as there will be longer queues than normal while all bags are searched. If you do need to bring a bag into the arena then try and keep it small and compact, the bigger the bag, the longer the search will take. We also reserve the right to search any size bag at any time, please do bear with us if queues are a little longer than normal.Opening Times
THURSDAY | 12:00 - 23:00 | 12:00 - 23:00 | 17:00 - 03:00 | 12 MIDDAY |
FRIDAY | 10:00 - 22:00 | 08:00 - 22:00 | 10:00 - 03:00 | 24 HOURS |
SATURDAY | 10.00 - 20.00 | 08:00 - 20:00 | 10:00 - 03:00 | 24 HOURS |
SUNDAY | 10:00 - 18:00 | 08:00 - 18:00 | 10:00 - 03:00 | 24 HOURS |
VIP Guest Box Offices
THURSDAY | 12:00 - 22:00 | 12:00 - 20:00 |
FRIDAY | 10:00 - 14:00 - then use Main Entrance Box Office | 10:00 - 18:00 |
SATURDAY | CLOSED - Use Main Entrance Box Office | 10:00 - 18:00 |
SUNDAY | CLOSED - Use Main Entrance Box Office | 10:00 - 18:00 |
Age Restrictions
Proof of Age
ATM Machines
Lost Children
Lost Property
The Lost Property Tent is situated to the left of the main stage. It is open from 12 midday until – 11pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Monday Lost Property will move to the Main Entrance Box office and will open from 9am until 11am. Anything, found during the festival clean-up operation will be kept safely in storage for 30 days post festival and then disposed of if not claimed. You can email lostproperty@bloodstock.uk.com after the festival, please allow up to 10 days for a responseFestival Information Point
For any queries or concerns you may have whilst at the festival, go to the main Festival Information point which is based at the Rock Society. Tent. It’s situated directly opposite the Main stage in the arena next to the Bloodstock merchandise stall. The wonderful staff here have worked with Bloodstock as volunteers for many years and as such are very knowledgeable on the festival. They will do their very best to help you. The tent is open from 10:00 – 23:00. Please be polite and remember the staff working here are fans just like you and work very long hours to support the festival.Food and Drink
There are 7 standard campsites which are ASGARD, HEL, MIDGARD, VALHALLA, IRONWOOD, RAGNAROK and JOTUNHEIM .QUIET CAMPSITE – RAGNAROK is the quiet campsite and ideal for families and those wanting to stay clear of the late night revellers. There is a policy of no noise after 12 midnight and anyone who feels the need to cause a disturbance after this time will be immediately ejected from this campsite.
There will be designated barbecue areas in each of the main campsites. We only allow the use of disposable BBQ’s, however you are fine to bring camping stoves that use hard fuel or gel fuel (Please note Hexamine blocks are now illegal) Disposable BBQ’s must be raised at least 30cms off the ground to avoid burning the site. If you are planning on using a BBQ during the festival, make sure you keep yourself safe and don’t put yourself at risk of Carbon Monoxide poisoning.
- Only use the BBQ pits provided.
- Never take a smouldering or lit BBQ in a tent or caravan. After use, leave it outside as it will give off dangerous fumes.
- Don’t use a BBQ if it is damaged or in poor condition.
- Never use a BBQ or camping stove inside to keep warm or to cook.
- Before using your BBQ, follow the instructions provided.
- Remember the signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning: headaches, dizziness, breathlessness, nausea, collapse and loss of consciousness.
Campsite Shop
Fat Franks campsite shop situated in the Midgard campsite, will be on site again this year to cater for your every camping need, offering everything you could possibly want for a great weekend of camping. You can use our free and easy click & collect service to purchase everything you need before you get to the festival and simply collect on site. No worries about having to fill your car or backpack in advance. Get yourself kitted out for Bloodstock at fatfrankscampingshop.com. We also offer a fantastic airbed inflation service, saving you time and effort bring us your airbed and we will inflate them for £2 each whilst you wait. See you all at Bloodstock & happy camping.Order now to collect your camping equipment on site at http://fatfrankscampingshop.comPre-erected tents
For those who wish to turn up onsite to find their tent set up and ready to move into with airbed and sleeping bag , you can hire these in advance from Tangerine Fields who will be situated in the Asgard campsite. Check-in is open from Thursday midday, to order your pre erected tent and accessories CLICK HEREEASY * GREENER * CLEANER
1. It’s very easy! Tailoring the booking to fit the group size and the right sleeping kit, just turn up and its ready to go.
2. You can travel light. No having to dig out last year’s dusty kit and hauling it across the country (and no nasty surprises with missing poles and dodgy zips!).
3. You get a great camping spot, and together with friends if you're coming as a group.
4. We make sure you're happy! We provide quality and dependable kit to handle the uncertainties of the UK Summer, plus our team are on hand throughout the weekend to help make the camping as cosy as possible.
5. Minimal waste, a low carbon footprint and fuss free way to love the planet and camp easy. Our waste is carefully and thoughtfully managed.
6. Socially responsible, we support small business partnerships and we're proudly donating our unwanted kit to charities that work with homelessness and disaster relief.
Campsite Info Hub
5 main campsites have an Information hub. Serpents Lair, Niflheim (Accessible), Ironwood, Midguard and Valhalla, So any questions or concerns you may have in relation to your camping experience, the wonderful volunteers manning these will be happy to help you. There is a accessible toilet situated next to each one purely for those with accessible needs.Campsite Samaritans
The festival Samaritans are very much a permanent fixture at Bloodstock and situated in the MIDGARD campsite. They are available 24 hours a day should you feel the need to talk to someone.Camping Chairs In The Arena
The showers are situated in MIDGARD campsite and are available to all campers to use from 7am to 7pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday and from 7am to 10am on Monday for a small charge of £4.00. The showers are separate cubicles with plenty of hot water and a mirror in each one. Please note it gets incredibly busy first thing each morning and queues can get quite long but the queues disperse after the early morning rush, so feel free to come back later in the day if you don’t want to queue.Toilets
Compost Loo’s and urinals will be situated in each of the main campsites and Portaloos and urinals l as in the arena. Please don’t block the toilets by putting anything down them other than the obvious. There is an accessible toilet at each toilet block in the arena and 2 accessible toilets situated behind the main stage viewing platform.Campervan Terms & Conditions
THURSDAY: 10:00 – 22:00
FRIDAY: 10:00 – 15:00
VANAHEIM Campervan customers, please make sure you have read the following terms and conditions prior to purchasing your campervan ticket. This is to ensure all customers are adhering to Amust4music’s rules and regulations set for their campervan site.
- These Terms and Conditions between you and Amust4music Ltd are incorporated into and should be read together with the Bloodstock ticket terms and conditions
- If you provide Amust4music Ltd with incorrect, incomplete or false information in relation to the purchase or use of a campervan supplement ticket for Bloodstock (“Campervan Ticket”), Amust4music Ltd reserves the right to cancel your Campervan Ticket.
- Each Campervan Ticket holder will be allocated a pitch measuring 8m by 6m within the Campervan Site (the “Pitch”). N.B. For those who have purchased a pitch with power, you will need to supply your own 25 metre 16A ceeform cable to plug in.
- One Campervan Ticket is needed per Pitch, however every occupant staying on the Pitch (whether in a camping vehicle or a tent) must be in possession of a valid weekend camping ticket for Bloodstock.
- Only one camping vehicle will be admitted to the Campervan Site within the Bloodstock festival site per Campervan Ticket. Cars, people carriers and vans are only permitted to stay on your Pitch if they were used to tow a caravan and if both vehicles fit within the Pitch.
- Campervan pitches must be filled with at least one camping vehicle. Pitches may not be used by customers camping in tents only.
- Camping vehicles will only be admitted to the Campervan Site if they are one of the following: a campervan; a motor home; a caravan; a trailer tent; a purpose built vehicle with camping facilities within; This excludes a van with a mattress or bunk bed facility only or any other vehicle deemed to be inappropriate by Amust4music Ltd. The camping vehicle must fit within the Pitch. Cars, people carriers and vans ARE NOT PERMITTED to be slept in.
- If you do not know whether your vehicle is suitable for access to the Campervan Site, please send a picture of your vehicle to enquiry@bloodstock.uk.com. We will then contact you to inform you whether or not it is suitable. If we tell you that your vehicle is not suitable you can either bring an alternative suitable vehicle. Amust4music Ltd’s decision as to the suitability of your vehicle is final. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure their vehicle is suitable and no refunds will be issued for this reason.
- You will be permitted to erect:
- a gazebo or purpose built, fitted awning; AND
- one tent provided that these items fit within your Pitch alongside your camping vehicle. If you are asked by a member of staff to remove any vehicles, tents, awnings or gazebos, you will do so immediately. Customers are only permitted to sleep in their campervan/caravan or tent.
- You shall not bring any gas cylinders into the Campervan Site, except where they are professionally installed within the camping vehicle with appropriate certification. If we find you with any petrol, generators or gas cylinders (other than as permitted within the camping vehicle) you will be ejected from the Bloodstock festival site. Please also see the terms and conditions on your festival tickets and the event website for information on recommended cooking appliances and permitted items.
- The use of large garden type furniture such as Chimineas; Fire pits; large wood burning stoves or any other item that is deemed to pose a risk to the safety of you or other campers is not allowed at any time. We reserve the right to confiscate these items and/or refuse entry to the campervan site.
- All vehicles and belongings must be removed from the site by midday on Monday 12th August 2024. Any items or vehicles left on the Campervan site will be removed and we reserve the right to charge any costs incurred to the customer.
Accessible Facilities
Accessible campsite parking pass
Accessible overflow parking pass
Accessible day parking pass
Accessible Campsite
Quiet Campsite
Standard Campsites
The main public car park is situated approximately 900 metres from the main entrance to the festival site. Car parking passes can be purchased online through the Bloodstock store right up until the day of the festival , after which they will be available to purchase on the gate at the same price. Weekend parking is £25.00 and day parking is £15. If purchasing your car parking ticket on the gate, make sure you arrive during the car park box office opening times displayed at the top of this page. Please note – the festival cannot be held responsible for damage, loss, or theft to your property whilst on siteLitter
The litter you leave behind is always a huge cost to the festival to clear up. We simply ask that you use the bins provided around the whole festival site. You will be issued with a bin bag when you arrive on site... PLEASE keep your camping area clear of rubbish and use the bin bags provided. There are plenty of bins throughout the campsites and the arena - PLEASE use them. If you require more bin bags over the course of the weekend please ask the staff manning the campsite INFO HUBS who will be happy to provide these.Medical Welfare
Paramedic, Medical and Welfare facilities are available on site 24 hours a day. The medical and welfare tent is situated in the main arena should you have need of their services.If you have prescribed medicine that you need to bring with you, please bring a copy of your prescription, your medication in its original packaging, make sure it’s labelled in the name of the ticket holder with a contact number, and you only bring enough for the duration of the festival. If your prescription is not for a well-known medicine please bring a doctor’s note to avoid any confusion on the gate searches.
If you have any specific medical needs like allergies etc please do bring your medical notes with you and make sure your group is aware so they can pass the information on to any medics. Any medical waste can be disposed of at the Medical Welfare tent in the main arena. If you need special storage or refrigeration, this can also be kept at the Medical Welfare tent. Please contact us in advance at enquiry@bloodstock.uk.com at and we can help you with your individual requirements”
The festival Samaritans are will also be on site situated in the MIDGARD campsite and are available 24 hours a day to chat to anyone who needs a friendly ear.
1625 Outreach will be joining Bloodstock, working collaboratively with the on site Welfare service. 1625Outreach are a service local to Derbyshire who specialise in supporting festival goers in relation to drugs, alcohol & personal safety.They are available to provide…
• Free & confidential advice about drugs/alcohol.
• Harm reduction information & resources
• Assistance in accessing additional support on site & in the community.
• Free safety resources (drink spiking covers, condoms, etc)
.• A harm reduction &/or recovery centred safe space to chat.
They will be situated in the Midgard campsite next to Samaritans near the market and food traders. or you can drop them a message on Instagram (1625_Outreach). For more information go to: www.1625outreach.co.uk
Safety & Security
Drugs Policy
For FREE support and advice and to dispel any myths on drugs use, please pop over to our friends 1625 Outreach who are based in the Midgard campsite.
Bloodstock has been and always will be committed to keeping our patrons safe. This year we have teamed up with 1625 Outreach, a service provided by the national charity Change Grow Live, to create a range of resources to support our patrons around drugs & alcohol. Bloodstock operates a zero-tolerance approach to drugs at the event. However, like many other events, we understand that embedding elements of ‘harm reduction’ within our event is a supportive step in keeping our patrons safe.
A few of the things we have been working on:
⁃ Staff training - all staff on site will have access to drug awareness training, including a section on how to spot the signs and symptoms of overdose
⁃ A safety campaign across the site, and via our social media, which will be coming soon
⁃ We have been working on our processes behind the scenes, including training for key staff leading on safeguarding at the event
⁃ 1625 Outreach will be back on-site in Midgard, offering harm reduction advice and information, as well as non-judgemental support
⁃ Our medical & welfare teams are also on hand to support all patrons. This includes responding to drug and alcohol-related emergencies.
We continue to grow and learn, and understand that the needs of our patrons are always changing. We are committed to keeping our patrons safe, and will always consider new ways to make your experience as enjoyable and safe as possible.
Please watch this short video on Drug and Alcohol Awareness at Bloodstock HERE
What to Bring
A hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, rainwear, woolly jumper / fleece,– your ticket!
Check the weather before you set off so you know to bring your sunglasses and sunscreen if its hot or wellies and waterproofs if its wet. We may need to see proof of age if your lucky enough to look under 21 so don’t forget to bring I.D. Bring plenty of cash or credit cards (keep them safe!) if you wish to use the ATM machines and of course don’t forget to bring your festival ticket. There are plenty of market stalls and a campsite shop should you forget to bring anything else.
Do Not Bring
- Imitation firearms
- Bullet Belts
- Non ornamental knives
- Swords or weapons
- Glass Containers / Bottles
- Fireworks / Thunderflashes
- Candles
- Generators
- Gas Canisters
- Professional cameras (ones with interchangeable lenses) or one that looks professional.
- Video cameras
- Gazebo`s
- Liquid Fuel for BBQ`s
- Hexamine Blocks for BBQ’s - (these are now classed as an illegal substance without an appropriate licence)
Signing Tent
The signing tent will enable you to meet many of your favourite artists appearing over the weekend personally. This is situated in the arena to the right of the main stage. So get your memorabilia at the ready for that all important signature and maybe a photo if you’re lucky. Signing times will be advertised the week before the festival and are always subject to change.Secure Storage
Phone Charging

Charge Candy return to Bloodstock this year offering Phone charging and Storage facilities. Store your important items, wallet, phone, car/house keys etc all weekend and know that you will be going home with everything you came with. No drama.Lockers measure - 15.5cm high x 15.5cm wide x 35cm deep Perfect for phones, wallets and valuablesBook your locker hire HERE PHONE CHARGINGUnlimited Charging for 4 days - Just drop off your phone whenever it needs charging or Collect/swap one full charger every day and get between 100-200% power daily. (Refundable deposit required to take away a charger)To book in advance or for more info click HERE
Filming at the Festival
Bloodstock will have a film crew on site for the full weekend and has the right to film the event including the public for subsequent international television, radio, online and mobile distribution and the use of screen and television footage for promotional purposes.Where to Stay
Catton Park is located close to the towns, Burton on Trent, Lichfield, Swadlincote and Tamworth. Each town is approximately 6 - 8 miles from the festival site.If you don’t wish to use the campsite then we suggest staying in one of these towns. The towns have many B&B’s Guest Houses and Hotels. If you are not driving then you can take advantage of the shuttle bus service from Tamworth railway station that will bring you to and from the festival site on Thursday and Monday - the shuttle bus service is not in operation on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, so you will need to book a taxi to and from the festival site on these days unless you drive. Please see Travel Info page for shuttle Bus times.Other places to look for accommodation can be found HERE .Alternatively, you can stay further afield in the surrounding bigger cities of Derby, Stoke, Coventry, Leicester or Birmingham. Each are about 20 - 25 miles from the festival site on Thursday and Monday - the shuttle bus service is not in operation on Saturday or Sunday, so you will need to book a taxi to and from the festival site on these days unless you drive.Coach Travel
DIRECT COACH TRAVELDitch the train, transfers or the car and hassle of parking; Let Big Green Coach take you straight to the festival with a load of your metal brethren.You can also secure your official, low-cost Bloodstock travel with only £10 deposit. Enjoy the entire festival without having to worry about your Monday morning journey – plus you will make friends, save money and go green!You can get straight to the festival site from 35 locations around the UK - BOOK HEREUseful Contacts
National Forest - www.visitnationalforest.co.ukBurton on Trent Tourist Information - www.enjoystaffs.co.uk
Lichfield Tourist Infomration - www.visitlichfield.co.uk
Tamworth Tourist Information - www.visittamworth.co.uk
Derby Tourist Information - www.visitderby.co.uk
Preparing for a safe and fun festival experience - www.festivalsafe.com
The wonderful team at FESTAFF are taking applications from 1st February 2025 for all volunteers who would like to work a number of hours over the festival weekend in exchange for free ticket and free camping To Apply to work at Bloodstock go to : https://www.festaff.co.uk/applications