Band Line Up 2022
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2021… The year after the worst year any of us can remember? The year when we restart. The year when we crank up our amps and play our drums loud for the first time in too long.
The year when the end meets the beginning..
Formed in February 2021, By Drummer Gazz and bass player Stoff now reunited after the pair previously spent a year together in a previous band.
The rhythm section wanted to start something new from the beginning by their rules from the very beginning.
After a quick discussion they knew they needed a singer/guitarist to round off the trio.
Other than advertising for someone they did not know, they opted to take a punt and call Josh, he quickly said yes.
After an initial jam session, they knew straight away that all this just fits.
Within 4 months they wrote 10 songs for their debut album.
A product of the last 4 months, and the build up of frustration and musical release of the last 2 years of bullshit you've all been through.
Where The End Meets The Beginning.
Recorded at Arch Studios, Nottinghamshire, with long time friend, collaborator and engineering genius Phil Whilbraham of Wilbraham Audio.
2022- Life begins anew, more gigs, and writing for the 2nd album commences with a view to record in late summer.
Syncolima combines riff’s, melody and groove, beauty and brutality without chasing a singular genre. Massive drums, huge bass, fuzzed out guitars and a solidly gruff voice.
Taking inspiration from the past 5 decades and not being afraid to attempt mixing new styles.
Syncolima are:
Gazz Evans - Drums.
Stoff - Bass.
Josh Morgan - Guitar / Vocals.
Syncolima on playing Bloodstock:
It’s been a tough few years for everyone and now we’re pretty much there.
The dust has settled and we’ve risen from it.
To be asked to play Bloodstock after just a year together is an absolute honour and a huge achievement for us.
We can’t wait to be back amongst our friends and family doing what we all love!
Massive thanks to Simon and everyone at Bloodstock for the invitation to play the Jägermeister stage. We will give it our all!