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Inquisition was formed by DAGON (guitarist, bass, vocalist and songwriter) in 1988 under the original name of GUILLOTINE in the Southern flames of COLOMBIA - South America, capital of assassination, hate and eternal war. These elements formed the early inspiration in which Inquisition was created.
It all began in the year of 1990 with a debut on a vinyl 12"EP when the band performed the ancient sounds of Thrash Metal in the old SODOM/KREATOR vein; the musical style was a bit different but the ideology has been always the same : Total Darkness and Philosophies of Wisdom.
In 1993 the second production was released on a full-length tape format which was named "FOREVER UNDER", also in the path of violent Thrash Metal and in the old DARK ANGEL/KREATOR vein.
During 1994-1995 a new artistic and creative musical evolution was initiated; the band evolved towards a more extreme and heavier musical style along with an ideology deep rooted within the cult, this new musical philosophy was announced under the name of Mystical Violence...
In 1996 this new creation was produced by DEFILED RECORDS (USA) in the MCD "INCENSE OF REST" with 5 Songs of crepitating Black Metal... A classic Thrash Metal influences combined with touches of the Grim and Dark of 90's Black Metal sound and catchy tunes of old Death Metal school, achieving Fast and Ancient Metal Melodies of Violence and Dark.
In late 1996 the Colombian Underground label SYLPHORIUM RECORDS became interested in support this original musical art re-pressing the MCD "INCENSE OF REST" including a bonus track as a Split-CD with the Black Metal band PROFANE CREATION from Brazil, and that was obviously accepted by Inquisition, as it means more promotion. This Split CD was released in last days of 1996 and was called "SUMMONING THE BLACK DIMENSION IN THE FARALLONES" (just this is the title for the bonus track).
For the same year, DAGON moved to reside in USA, to continue in the Inquisition 's musical way to gain a place of respect in the American underground scene with a lot of recitals, besides the recruiting of INCUBUS like new drummer replacing to JHON SANTA, who participated before in all previous productions.
The good acceptation in the Underground Scene, forced to Inquisition in 1997 to create and compose new songs for their long awaited full length CD. And finally in 1998 is released a new blasphemy act after a long time, and it's called "INTO THE INFERNAL REGIONS OF THE ANCIENT CULT". Which included 10 songs of Total Mystical Violence where the dark secrets were revealed, this stuff was produced by SYLPHORIUM RECORDS and re-pressed in double vinyl LP by NO-COLOURS RECORDS. The lyrical content in this masterpiece of Ritual Black Metal is based on old pagan practice, mysticism of nature, personal dark emotions influenced by the cosmos, ancient magic and internal ancient cults.
For late 2001 Inquisition reappears on the Black Metal underground scene with a new blasphemous masterpiece released through WARHAMMER RECORDS and licensed by SYLPHORIUM RECORDS again, "INVOKING THE MAJESTIC THRONE OF SATAN" features 10 Ancient Black Hymns which consolidating to Inquisition into the Satanic Black Metal Elite. IRON PEGASUS Recs licensed this album. to released out in gatefold vinyl.
Finally, in 2004 Inquisition newly blast the underground scene with its 3rd full-length album entitled "MAGNIFICENT GLORIFICATION OF LUCIFER" and released by NO-COLOURS RECORDS, another masterpiece in which was united a ritualistic blasphemous atmosphere with crushing heaviness, fast and aggressive parts, dark and pretty infectious melodies and Dagon's typical sinister vocals melt together into an absolutely unique interpretation of Black Metal in the exceptional Inquisition way.